


Custom Koa Works Tenor Ukulele

Custom Koa Works Ukulele. A beautiful new Custom Koa Works Tenor Ukulele handcrafted on the Big island of Hawai’i by master luthier, Rich Godfrey. This beauty was just completed and incorporates a wonderful example of simple elegance defined by a master grade set of Hawaiian Koa wood. Handcrafted of a master grade set of quarter-sawn Hawaiian Koa wood on the face, back and sides, this beautiful instrument  boasts a musicians grade Macassar ebony wood fretboard and bridge, consistent with the best in recording level instruments. The top and back binding and bou
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Custom Moore Bettah Tenor Ukulele

Custom Moore Bettah Ukulele – ‘Hawaiian Sea Turtle’ inlay. Beautiful custom tenor ukulele by Chuck Moore of the Big Island. Premium Koa face, back, and sides. Cocobola fretboard. Rosewood bridge. Bound headstock, fretboard & body. Purple pinstriping to match color tone of Koa. Abalone and pearl shell inlay around soundhole, headstock, and face of ukulele. Incredible `Honu` (turtle) shell inlay on headstock and more. Set up with low-g configuration. Price: SOLD
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Custom Ko’olau Tenor Ukulele

Custom ukuleles by Ko’olau Ukulele Company. Absolutely stunning Custom Ko`olau Tenor Ukulele in excellent original condition and handcrafted here on the island of Oahu by one of Hawaii’s foremost luthiers, John Kitakis and his son Noa Bonk. This gently played custom uke is a model 300 (now known as the ‘Deluxe’ model) by designation and is a remarkable player ukulele with almost no playwear whatsoever. A quick plug-n-play pick up and strap button set up for the weekend musician or simply for your uke enthusiast on a quest for a premium ukulele. Hig
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1930s David Mahelona Ukulele

Extremely rare 1930s David Mahelona ‘violin’ soprano ukulele in beautifully restored condition. A true  world class collectible ukulele nearly 100 years in age. To my knowledge there are only a few of these pieces in existence and one of two known in the islands. The other known piece resides at the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Muesum on the island of Oahu. Gorgeous Hawaiian koa wood face, back, sides, and bridge. Hand cut abalone shell inlay on soundboard, fretboard, and headstock with beautiful rope marquetry for aesthetic appeal. A very beautiful historical
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