
Custom Kawika 5-Str Tenor Ukulele

カビカ・テナー・ウクレレ (特別注文)

Custom Kawika Ukulele. Recording level instrument! Beautiful Kawika 5-String Tenor Ukulele in wonderful original condition. This piece is tremendously rare and with David Hurd no longer accepting orders Kawika Ukuleles are amongst the best sounding, most desired and rare Hawaii-made ukuleles around.

This beautiful Kawika Ukulele was handcrafted of premium Hawaiian Koa face, back, & sides with ebony fretboard and bridge. Hawaiian Koa neck. French Polish. Paua shell rosette and black celluloid top and back binding. This is a definite keeper and a wonderful players piece. David has installed a ‘bridge doctor’ on the underside of the bridge for added structural support as well.

A beautiful and rare Kawika ukulele that rings true with very complex, rich lows and crisp and balanced highs. A highly recommended and extremely rare custom ukulele by one of Hawaii’s finest luthiers. Rich and complex in tones with exceptional sustain with every strum.

Kawika ukuleles has stopped building ukuleles for quite some time now but his ukuleles are amongst the most desired custom ukuleles around. Kawika ukuleles have a nice crisp, clean and precise tone with excellent balance & sustain. I don’t come across Kawika ukuleles very often, maybe once or twice a year at most and they usually don’t stick around very long as well.

Price: SOLD

ほぼ新品同様のとてもレアな美しいカビカのテナーです。 ハワイ産のコアのボディーでフレットボード,ブリッジ,バインディングはエ ボニーです。ネックはハワイアンコアでフレンチ塗装です。パウアシェルのインレイがサウンドボードロゼットに使われています。多くのウクレレを見てきた中 でもこのウクレレは一二を争ういい音のものです。カビカが製作をやめてからしばらく経ち、今では最も求められているウクレレの一つです。

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