

Pahu Kani Ukulele

Custom Koa Works Tenor Ukulele

Custom Koa Works Ukulele. A beautiful new Custom Koa Works Tenor Ukulele handcrafted on the Big island of Hawai’i by one of best luthiers in custom ukuleles and guitars out of the Aloha State, Rich Godfrey. This one was just completed and incorporates a very rare example of quilted Hawaiian Koa wood. It is absolutely stunning in appearance but plays even better than it looks! Handcrafted of quarter-sawn gorgeous and extremely rare quilted Hawaiian Koa wood on face, back and sides, this set of wood is tremendously unique and is amongst luthiers and musicians al
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Custom Koa Works Concert Ukulele

Custom Koa Works Ukulele. A beautiful new Custom Koa Works Concert Ukulele handcrafted on the island of Oahu by luthier Rich Godfrey. Stunning master grade curly Koa handpicked by yours truly and provided to a master luthier all for your enjoyment! Handcrafted of quarter-sawn master grade curly Hawaiian Koa wood on face, back and sides and macassar ebony fretboard and bridge. Honduran mahogany neck and graphite rod insert for added stability and sustain. The top and back binding is crafted with ebony wood with curly sycamore top and back trim. The fretboard is also
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Custom ʻIʻiwi Tenor Ukulele

Custom I’iwi Ukulele. Phenomenal player uke! Custom ʻI’iwi Tenor Ukulele handcrafted by luthier Charlie Fukuba of Makakilo, Oahu. This special piece is the premier model offered by ʻI’iwi Ukuleles and is defined as, the Gold ‘Master’ Series. The ‘Master’ series is a testimony to the ʻI’iwi Ukulele commitment to the finest materials and craftsmanship in skilled luthiery by one of Hawaii’s foremost custom ukulele luthiers, Charlie Fukuba. Gorgeous master grade 3-piece back of curly Hawaiian Koa wood and pomelle Bubinga (center piece), matching
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Custom ‘Iʻiwi Tenor Ukulele

Custom I’iwi Ukulele. Phenomenal player uke! Custom ʻI’iwi Tenor Ukulele handcrafted by luthier Charlie Fukuba of Makakilo, Oahu. This special piece is the premier model offered by ʻI’iwi Ukuleles and is defined as, the Gold ‘Master’ Series. The ‘Master’ series is a testimony to the ʻI’iwi Ukulele commitment to the finest materials and craftsmanship in skilled luthiery by one of Hawaii’s foremost custom ukulele luthiers, Charlie Fukuba. Gorgeous master grade 3-piece back of curly Hawaiian Koa wood and pomelle Bubinga (center piece), matching
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