
Custom Pegasus Tenor Ukulele


Custom ukuleles by Pegasus ukuleles. Beautiful New Pegasus 4-String Tenor Ukulele (completed Dec. 2008) handcrafted in the classic shape by luthier Bob Gleason of  Kurtistown, HI. Built in the Classic shape rather than the traditional shape, the Classic shape is more round, has a radial braced top, and an X braced back. The top is old growth redwood from a tree that fell in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco and the back, sides, and bridge are old Brazilian Rosewood from wood that Bob has had for a very long time. The colors of the brazilian rosewood are stunning with gorgeous red and black striping that is no longer available. The neck is Spanish Cedar with a center strip reinforcement of Bocate wood. The fretboard is slightly radiused and is also Bocate wood. The headcap is redwood burl and the body, neck, and head are bound with curly koa. There is abalone purfling on the face of the body, an extra wide handcut abalone rosette, and abalone position markers. The heel cap is also abalone and the logo is mother-of-pearl. All the shell inlay is solid shell. No laminates were used. The tuners are Grover black nickel mini-Rotomatics with custom pearloid buttons added to reduce weight.

The Brazilian rosewood back and sides, combined with the redwood top, give this instrument a deep resonant tone. The radial bracing also helps enhance the depth of tone. Nice crisp and clean tones all the way up the neck. Deep lows with a nice balanced mid-rage and crispy high notes as well.

Any Pegasus Ukulele is a tough find but this one is even that much more special being handcrafted in the Classic shape and x-braced. All of Bob’s ukuleles are meticulously crafted from the finest materials and with stunning attention to detail. His instruments have perfectly set intonation, very clean and precise tones all the way up the neck, and the build with all the warmth of true ‘Aloha’. Nothing but the best in high end custom ukuleles from Bob Gleason!!!

Price: SOLD

12 月31日の2008年作の新品ペガサスの4弦のテナーウクレレです。ハワイ島ウクレレ職人、ボブグリーソンによって手作りされたクラシックな型のウクレレ です。このクラシックな型とは普段よりも丸みを帯びておりボディーのトップはサンフランシスコのゴールデンゲートパークのローズウッドでサイドとバックは ボブさんが長年持っていたというブラジリアンローズウッドで作られています。このブラジリアンローズウッドですが、今時なかなか手に入らない赤と黒の縞模 様の入ったウッドです。ネックにはスパニッシュシーダーが使われておりボコテウッドで補強されています。フレットボードはボカテウッドでラジアスがかって おり、ヘッドキャップはレッドウッドのベニヤで、ボディー、ネック,ヘッドにはカーリーコアのバインディングが施されています.

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